Piers is not always right. He is human after all. This summer he did make an error IMHO when he claimed the excessive heat in Russia was due to the active sun. The sun never really got into the active warming stage. Neutral or average activity for a short period this summer. Solar activity is currently more then 50 % below average. The excessive heat this summer was best explained by the 6 month atmospheric delay between El Nino and atmospheric warming. After all, El Nino is the number one single event generator of green house gases on the planet, simply due to the increase in oceanic water evaporation. El Nino is long gone. Now we are experiencing the cooling affects from the Super La Nina which has been occurring since early this summer. Apparently Piers caught on to all that eventually.
Since you seem to be up on all this, where is the greenhouse layer in the atmosphere? As I understand it, the model is based on a greenhouse, with a surface that is a solid, which allows the sun's rays to penetrate but not reflect. If that model works, shouldn't there be a corresponding layer in the atmosphere that is identifiable?
We know where the troposphere is as well as the stratosphere and the rest, but just where is the greenhouseosphere?
I don't buy the entire greenhouse gas theory