Pelosi is gone not matter what happens. You don’t lead your party to this sort of electoral plastering and get rewarded. They obviously can’t dumper her before the election without bad PR.
Powerful people and groups are behind the Democratic party. They expect results not serious setbacks.
Remember what Darth Vader did to that admiral that “failed me for the last time.” Too bad Darth Soros will be dishing out his punishments behind closed doors. I’d love to watch.
What this is about is all over the USA, Republicans and Tea Partiers are running ads linking their Rat opponent with Queen Nancy. Many ads have her pic prominently in the script or feature a morphing of her with the Rat candidate. The Rats realize that even people who might otherwise vote for them understand that a vote for ANY Rat is a vote, presumably, for Nancy Pelosi -- and she is the one politician more blamed for Obamacare than Obama himself.
Their only way out is to tell their constitutents that it is "safe" to vote for a Rat because the Rats will put Nancy out to pasture anyway.
And now, apparently, the White House is fully aligned with that tact, either because it has its own reasons for animosity against the Queen or because it truly feels this gnaw-off-your-own-right-hand tactic is the only hope, however slim, for political survival.
Pelosi was a terrifically powerful politician. No one would have dared cross her unless they got some assurance from somewhere more powerful that they could cut Pelosi loose with impunity.
Pelosi is so reviled, she got her own FIRE PELOSI TEA PARTY in Miami.