The MSM and the left doesn’t seem to like flags either. Should we get rid of those, too?
Not that I am any fan of the costumes, but maybe we can get matching Beck approved uniforms? Little aprons like he wore today on his program might suffice?
“The MSM and the left doesnt seem to like flags either. Should we get rid of those, too?”
The test is over, folks; we have a winner. Best of Show on this thread to poster Chickenlips.
You people are ridiculous. Really. There’s no pleasing some people. HE MADE A SUGGESTION...that’s all. Doesn’t negate every thing he has done, which has been incredible. he started the 9.12 project and then took a back seat. This is where Conservatives ALWAYS ALWAYS go wrong...somebody does one thing they don’t like and they throw them away. Libs never do that, because they understand that the ends justify the means...and this suggestion from Beck is a good one. He’s not DEMANDING people do anything...he’s suggesting and some of you are more than willing to throw him overboard..shame on all of you.