This was the year of the Tea Party and anti-incumbency.
If JD couldn't win in this environment, then how is it Palin's fault?
Ditto that!
If I lived in AZ I would have voted for JD.
But how sad is it that AZ, home of Jan Brewer (McCain Supporter) couldn’t find a Joe Miller type to take on McCain.
I mean even in true blue NJ we got us a Chris Christie. If only conservatives in Arizona could have got off their asses and found a compelling candidate to take on Juan McDouche, they wouldn’t have to blame their ineptitude on Sarah.
Ah no.
If this was the year of the Tea Party and anti-incumbency then how could JD lost by 30 points?
If McCain didn’t pull out his tricks to win,then JD would have won. If peopel who are idiots like Romney, Scott Borwn and so on keep telling people who great McCain is when he is a tratior then your unbright voter was brainwashed. Shame on the tea party for not coming to the defnse of Hayworth and standing firmly against McCain. If we act the way Bush did towards the Left, with Rinos they will keep trampling over us.