My candidate is a rare combination of both.
Rant on, dude!!!!!
Bwa ha ha ha ha
It’s been the abandonment of fiscal sanity for fake, Bible-thumping nanny-state psuedo-conservatism that has destroyed our society, actually.
It used to be that family and social values were a given regardless of politics - THAT is the problem, not some politicians position on gay marriage.
We are ow becoming a Sodom and Gomorrah.
Thank you again for fresh air on the reality of where this country is going. It is our CORE values that are compromising DOWN. You cannot have a society of upright people when cretins like Barney Frank and literally criminals are running the country. It wouldn't matter if they were fiscal conservatives ... it's their ungodly heart that is transforming this country into a Sodom and Gomorrah.
My Social conservatism drives my Fiscal conservatism.
It is due to my knowledge (not belief) of the importance of these values to drive a successful sociality without living off the government teet.
Here's the money shot. "Social conservatism" is a euphamism for Christianity. The only thing required to be a Christian is freedom of religion, which we still possess. There is no other government intervention required.
I agree.
Social conservatism is extremely important. Without it, we are doomed.
In all honesty, I think our nation is already doomed. We just don’t realize it yet.
The two are mutually exclusive.
Fiscal and social conservatism are two equal sides of the same coin to me.
I’ve learned NOT to trust anyone who clings solely to one side or the other. You wind up with either a degenerate sleazeball or a big-government nanny-stater... neither of which is a ‘real’ conservative in my book.
I think that most people- and this includes me- aren’t abandoning social conservatism. I remain a hard wired con, both fiscal AND social. It is simply that I believe that social matters are largely the purview of the states and the fed has absolutely NO place in them. In my perfect world (and I remain ever hopeful) we will succeed and push the fed back into the box where it belongs. Social matters are for the local community- people have the absolute right to vote for the community they want. It is here that the liberT’s and I part. Supporting a secular conservatism for the fed doesn’t make us faithless- just Constitutionally practical.
Politically speaking, it all boils down to the relationship between the people and the state - that whole negative rights thing.
1. People above the state = rights = good.
2. State above the people = privileges = bad.
“The Left” keeps it’s eye on this ball, no matter what. It creates an endless sh*tstorm of outrages and crises all designed to either incrementally move from 1 to 2, or hide the moving from 1 to 2, or punish and destroy those in the way of moving from 1 to 2.
“Conservatism” is just a label - ask any RINO. They’ll go to church, say all the right things, and then merely stay quiet when they should speak out. Just so they help getting from 1 to 2, the Left doesn’t care - they’re in, you’re out.
Spot on. The root of our problem is a breakdown in the moral order. Adams noted Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
Unfortunately, over the past 50 years our government and educational institutions have been hijacked by those who would undermine the moral order necessary for the proper functioning of our republic. Laws and the interpretation and enforcement of same is a reflection of an underlying moral consensus.
Americans have had it pounded into their heads that we must be value neutral, that all views carry equal weight therefore all traditional views of morality must be checked at the door. The result has been social programs promoting the breakdown of the family, government sanction of the murder of millions of innocents and the view that debt and credit expansion is somehow the same as wealth creation.
Morality and structure and order are all intertwined and the bedrocks of a functional civil culture. It’s too bad the foundations have been destroyed and our choices now reflect that destruction.
Yes, “conservative” just equals “libertarian” in some circles. A lot more frequently on FR, too. When I argue a conservative position on a social issue on this board, I am accused of being a “nanny stater.”
There are very few aspects of social conservatism that can be successfully legislated. One need only to look at the failed war on drugs to see proof of that. While I agree with many of the goals of social conservatism (end abortion, less drug use, freedom from religious persecution) I still believe that the way to achieve them is by beating back the government to a small, relatively powerless entity. By doing this I believe both sets of conservatives will get what they want. What worries me is that I see many social conservatives who don’t care if we have a large oppressive government as long as it oppresses the correct people.
Hey, Iggy.. did you know you had already posted this tripe?
Why do you post your stuff twice?
Somebody needs to keep an eye on you, you’re a spammer.