That is hilarious...guess the ticket revenue is going to be going down in the aptly named “Bluff” City.
Kudos to Mr. McCrary!
How funny if he sold it back to them for $90....
So, help us with this...
A guy breaks the law by running a red light, almost killing someone (probably) and thinks it is a violation of his civil liberties that he gets a ticket by machine?
To punish those who are trying to keep kids from getting killed by this doofus, he buys their domain and publishes slams against law enforcement. He needs to meet Joe Arpaio.
There are too many anarchy kooks running around thinking no rules are the equivalent to freedom. Wake up guys.
A neighbor had a good story about receiving one of these ‘pictures of you running a red’ tickets in the mail. He sent them a picture of a hundred dollar bill. About a week later someone at the DMV with a sense of humor sent him a picture of a set of handcuffs. I still think he told them to get lost.
If you open up a website and let it go down, somebody can buy it I did not know that.
This is one of many reasons I don’t think government has the competence to run health care. Can you picture a private sector firm placing its Web site into the hands of someone this clueless?
A schadenfreude moment!
These are the easiest tickets in the world to beat, but it will cost you a short day in court.
The main street in my town, has become something like a scene from Orwell. Multiple school zones, tricky hours, tons of cops, no walking students, govt signs EVERYWHERE about bike zones. THere are camera machines everywhere.
I wasn't aware that speeding, hence endangering the lives of others, was a "civil liberty".
In any event, the City of Bluff City VA has instructed it's citizens to call Brian McCrary in the event they are about to be robbed, raped or murdered; young Brian will then be able to teach those who are truly victims the finer points of civil libertarianism.
Freeper keyword "cop hater".
This guy is awesome!
I’ve read that rear-end collisions are being caused by these cameras. Do you think we can conclude they’re money makers and not for traffic safety?
Actual news article, not filtered through a blog.
Funny story. I realize people don’t like the cameras—smacks of Big Brother. But substantively, I don’t see a difference between a camera spying on traffic and a cop spying on traffic.
They use these cameras in Kuwait City, somebody usually spray painys the lens. it takes the government several weeks to fix them and then somebody repaints it the same night.
I used Go Daddy and they send plenty of notices out.That PD is deadbeat cops is all and they got caught asleep.
My husband thinks that camera got him Friday.
read about the nanny state.
Cool! I’ve noticed that, with a lot of sites, it can pay to pay attention to the whois expiration dates.