A GUILTY man wastes the resources and time of the Department of Justice and its U.S. attorneys to block the release of common documents that ordinary citizens provide every day.
Obama WASTED Department of Justice resources and attorney time when plots were being laid to KILL our soldiers on their bases and recruitment centers, and blow planes out of the sky! If his motivation is to play a political “gotcha” on the birthers, I don't think the American public will be amused.
There’s something rotten in Copenhagen!!
“An honest man would be **HONORED** to promptly prove with all of the best evidence that he was a natural born citizen.
A GUILTY man wastes the resources and time of the Department of Justice and its U.S. attorneys to block the release of common documents that ordinary citizens provide every day.”
Someday, he will be proven the fraud that he is! I hope he is forced to pay back every last cent to the American tax payers.
I pray for that day.