Posted on 03/23/2010 4:05:57 PM PDT by La Enchiladita
Yeah, he’s 78. I wish he was a quarter-century younger. Unfortunately, I could tell he was starting to fade a bit in his last run (where he only barely beat Mongiardo in a race that should’ve been a wide margin), one reason he was urged out this year. Trey Grayson was regarded as his protege, but with the never-ending slime machine of Junior Paul’s, you’d think he was the protege of Bill Clinton, Van Jones and George Soros. The primary is May 18th.
There are always a few nuts that tag along with any group. I’ve met plenty who call themselves Libertarian who are really now Obama supporters. They just thought that the DLC and Clinton are too corporate and usually legalizing Pot is the main objective. The mainstream movement is varied on issues as are most parties but National Review captures it the best. WFB, Goldwater and Reagan defined the movement in the 60s.
May 18! Thanks. There’s still time then?
I’m awfully worried about this race, but what to do, what to do?....
Grayson has to amp it up and go nuclear on Junior Paul.
LOL. Okay.
We can help him with the tape of Rand and Adam Kokesh.
Anybody in Connecticut who supports worthless douchebags like Rob Simmons and Linda McMahon over Peter Schiff, over something as paltry as this, is a total buffoon.
I watched the debate those three had the other week, and unless he was lying, then Schiff is not as ‘out there’ on national security as Ron Paul and Kokesh. Linking Kokesh to everyone just reeks of desperation.
Paulies have set talking points. I've noticed that most of them do the same thing - throw the same tired little phrases at us, in some attempt to look knowledgeable.
Spot on!
Stealing that.
The who, what and money that control the PaulBot Neo Left
is the attempt to take over the Republcan Party as stated.
They crawl into many races, just like 9/11 Truther Medina
and the gal challenging the GOP Dr. vs. Stupak and the
list goes on.
The naive and kool aid drinkers vote for these Libetarian
tools who disrupt the election and can take away enough votes for the Democrat to win.
This is the bottom line for the Neo Left PaulBots.
Just as the ones on FR. They bash and trash Republicans
but don’t touch the Democrats except for a possible one token post out of 75.
Their arguments are circular. Many are professional students and other malcontents.
The PaulBots seem to have a stunted maturity growth with a maturity level of a 16 - 18 year old.
If we were in better times, the Paulies would be merely an amusing distraction.
However, in these very critical times where it is crucial that we get as many conservatives elected to Congress as possible, and I pray the White House as well when the time comes, the tactics of these people are poisonous. We have enough problems with the Marxists in power right now. Now, we also have to contend with these egocentric idiots trying to get their own into high-profile offices on our ticket.
Their only intent is to divide and destroy from within.
We've got to stay on top of these people and keep exposing them in order to try to reclaim our nation.
Spot On Allegra.
The numbers are growing especially on FR as to what the PaulBot Neo Left are trying to do to disrupt our form of government and espouse their anti war propaganda
Just wait until I have time to play with photoshop.
Then you are a buffoon
ALL candidates except Forras are PRO-ABORTION
ALL are ISOLATIONIST except Forras
Schiff talks a good talk, but due to his associations, such as being Ron Paul’s economic advisor for his presidential run, what do we really know about what he will do?
But that is the ONLY thing we can like Schiff for, for he is NOT for defending the nation, he pals around with traitors and doesn’t denounce it
so if you think that TREASON is less important than the economy, then you go ahead and vote for Schiff.
Not in my lifetime!
you have to stop and think
For the last year, RON PAUL and his acolytes, one of which is Peter Schiff, has been promoting someone who marched with, organized with, participated with, endorsed, drank with and even paid for the appearances of together:
totally leftist groups
totally anti-American groups
and RON PAUL knwingly endorsed Kokesh knowing all that.
THAT’S who Peter Schiff is supported by
go back to that link and check out the original paper I wrote and click on all the links yourself
In addition, in my experience, their volunteers and members are the most rude and obnoxious people I have ever worked with in all my political activity. They disrupt Republican Party meetings by shouting out and intimidating good, hard working, dedicated REPUBLICANS.
Where I live in California, the Tea Parties began with the Republican Women Federated. Libertarians joined in later.
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