On Beck’s radio show today he said is absolutely against a [conservative] third party and that the only way to set things right is by working within the two party system we currently have — he simply wants the Republican Party to be reflective of conservativism which all to many in the Republican Party do not reflect: McCain, Graham, Collins, Snowe, etc.
I agree completely.
FWIW, late last year I though Beck may have been in the early stages of pushing for a third party but it appears that is not the case.
“On Becks radio show today he said is absolutely against a [conservative] third party and that the only way to set things right is by working within the two party system we currently have...” ~ FerociousRabbit
That’s good. From my post early this morning:
“I didn’t hear Beck advocating a third party..” -[Freeper]
You “hear” one thing, and others “hear” something else.
That means that Beck hasn’t made himself crystal clear. He needs to tell people the truth - that a third party is an automatic loser, and in light of that fact, classic liberals (nka conservatives) must take the Republican party back from the Progressive liberals (Marxist-Socialists).
So far, he has used weasel words like, “unless”, as a way to equivocate, ie: “A third party will win UNLESS the Republicans and the Democrats wake up.”.
The phrase, “wake up”, has as many definitions as there are people with opinions. Of course, by using a phrase like that, he is setting himself up to be in the position to say that “they haven’t woke up enough”, and therefore we need a third party.
Unless Beck makes it crystal clear that he is distancing himself from the idea of a third party, you can be absolutely SURE that you will never hear him say: “they have woke up enough now...”. He will say just the opposite.
113 posted on Monday, February 22, 2010 9:28:53 AM by Matchett-PI
Let’s hope on his TV show this afternoon that he also says he’s absolutely against a third party like you say he said on his radio show today. bttt