Medina will have something to do as a private citizen/former candidate after the Primary: She can find legislative experts who can write her bill, find Senators and Representatives to sponsor it, and then, in 2011, go to Austin and try to change our tax system. Perhaps, after 120 days trying to get her bill passed, she will agree with those of us who find that any State government will be less responsive than local governments.
By your logic, divorce should be illegal and Texans shouldn't be allowed to gamble in any state.
From Debra Medina's website:
"We strongly believe as a matter of principle in keeping as much control over local affairs at the most local level of government possible, and this reform would be implemented with that principle as our guide."
Good that Medina believes in local control. Has she been able to decrease costs in her county?Property taxes go to local governments, except where the “Robin Hood” State makes us give some to other school districts. Our ability to cut costs is more local, now. Send all our school tax, county and city services money to Austin and we have no guarantees that we’ll have nearly as much control.
The logic on divorce and gambling is that the State licenses and regulates the courts, the regulations under which they are carried out. “First, do no harm” should guide our future actions on the authority that we’ve delegated to the State.
There’s no reason to prevent our citizens from going where gambling is legal, but there’s simply no evidence that importing gambling to our State will be a good.
As our divorce laws stand, families may be unilaterally fractured. Children and possessions become the State’s to divide at the whim of one party to a contract. Why not limit “no fault” divorce to those where both parties agree and where there are no children involved? Where one spouse has committed fraud and aggression by breaking or wishing to break the contract of marriage, there is no recourse for the injured party other than to submit to an involuntary divorce.
Eaker found the link to the video
Go to the second video (3rd picture frame).