The whole premise is mistaken. I do not care to be brought together. I want to be free. What we need is freedom and not some communal togetherness.
“The whole premise is mistaken. I do not care to be brought together. I want to be free. What we need is freedom and not some communal togetherness”.
AMEN to that!!!!
Let’s see, to “bring us together” I would have to:
1.Accept abortion without restraints
2. Accept that I need to support 50% of the population that doesn’t pay taxes
3. Accept that I should never question the wisdom of the elite ruling class (i.e. Pelosi, Reid, Obambi)
4. Accept that I should just go to some gov’mint run health clinic and stand in line for a hoped for appointment (God forbid I get breast cancer)
5. Accept that I will not be provided with health care because I’m too old, not worth anything to society and, oh yes, BTW, I didn’t go to the “right schools”.
6, Accept the fact that I should never, ever mention my Christian beliefs
7. Accept the fact that my grandchildren will be taught that anything is OK and that becoming a Muslim is the best choice because the gov’mint run skool tells them so.
Now, let’s all give it up for the Big Zero’s “Togetherness”!!