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To: Danae

“’Both ways have the exact same status.’

Except when it comes to the Presidency of the United States. Then you MUST be a Natural Born Citizen. It is the only time it matters.”

Yes, you must be a natural born citize, and native citizens ARE natural born citizens. They come at it two different ways, which is what makes them “different”. However, they are not different in result. They have the exact same status.

I know that’s not what you think SCOTUS said. But in fact, they deliberately steered clear of deciding whether the native born are also natural born, since it wasn’t at issue. So I have no idea why you keep bringing up the case.

112 posted on 12/14/2009 10:17:55 AM PST by Tublecane
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To: Tublecane

If they are the same why differentiate the two?


Yea, you are the person saying that I am wrong, and not backing it up. Prove me wrong with researched fact.

You have not yet, you have merely resorted to attacks of “Liar”. Bring it if you can.

SCOTUS must decide this case. The only way to do that is to bring a case to it that requires a decision on the matter. Previous decisions established that there is a difference between citizen and Natural Born Citizen or it would not have been specifically mentioned.

Prove me wrong.

119 posted on 12/14/2009 10:40:27 AM PST by Danae (No political party should pick candidates. That's the voters job.)
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