Technically I agree with you, however, the vehicle used was our capitalist system to fund their Marxist ideology, and the Marxist got plenty of assistance from the political right side of the isle.
The Marxists did use our capitalist system to fund their ideology. Much of the financial assistance was due to like minded politicians raiding the public treasury (wealth redistribution) to support their “green” agenda.
I have to agree, the climate change cause has been aided by the political right. I have to suspect however that much of the political right’s support has been due to 1. misleading scientific data, and 2. knee jerk reactions to emotional pleading by the enviroleft. 3. A certain amount of arm twisting and deal broking by businesse/individuals that will profit immensly from the scam.
I suspect that if real scientific data was accurate and forthcoming, the support of this fraud would not have enabled the progress climate manipuulation has enjoyed.