The RINOS have marginalized the GOP. Beck serves as a clarion call to that fact and the march of the Democrats toward total totalitarianism with the aid of RINOS in the GOP.
Then let the clarion call go out against the RINOs. They must be voted out! They are the enemy to our Republic not all Republicans! The old expression "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" is a perfect description of what Beck has been doing. That is not to say that I do not like or watch Beck. I appreciate him and the work he does but he needs to get it right on this point or he could inadvertently be the downfall of The USA. I know that is definitely what he is trying to fight against.
We need to help him see what is at stake and to be fair and honest about the Republicans who have been standing up for what is right. He needs to get on target and work to oust the RINOs and strengthen the resolve of the others.
I think it is kind of the motto of his show that he is independent. It makes people think that he is unbiased and independent. We just cannot afford it right now. The stakes are far too high and we must consolidate under one banner. United we will stand, divided we will fall. This is possibly exactly what the Obama crew are hoping for. Let's not do it. Let us everyone warn Beck of what is happening.