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The First Time I Heard of Barack (with additional info)
Free Republic ^ | Sept 19, 2009 | Tom Fife

Posted on 09/20/2009 1:17:34 AM PDT by BP2

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I felt this needed its own thread - it's off the original link above. This information has been shared with some ... might as well share it with all ...

A research group tried to contact this man of the “The first time I heard of Barack” story back in January to no avail. His purported name was Tom Fife. Here’s the link:

It’s next to impossible to prove the following - as nearly everything else about Obama's life before October 1992 - but it is believed by some researchers that there MAY be some correlation with this Tom Fife story and the nationally-published story BELOW from Feb 13, 1992, which was a plea for cash from the Left elite to get communist and socialist “students” out of Moscow.

One of those students, curiously, was a law student, born in 1961, with the last name "Obama" - what are the odds of that? It is believed that "Roman Obama" is NOT from Equatorial Guinea, rather he was going THROUGH then-Communist E.G. to his final destination ... elsewhere.

Additionally, it is believed that the man ON THE RIGHT in the photo below is NOT “Roman Obama”, despite what the cutline says. The photo AND name "Roman Obama" was likely a front, all staged for later deniability. It is thought that the “powers” in Russia and their allies needed to “drop” the Obama name so his "backers" - who would recognize the name - would respond with the required urgency (and money) to get him out of Moscow as the ruble collapsed.

It is further believed that Barack Obama was actually a foreign exchange student at Patrice Lumumba (Friendship) University - thus why BHO does NOT want to disclose his college records. Some think Barack Obama was out of the country as a foreign-exchange student - off and on during the 80s - leading into Obama's post-grad work at Harvard up to summer 1992. The Left elite needed to get him OUT of Moscow before the violence kicked in and BACK to where he was suppose to be "planted" ... perhaps the US:


And YES - I know how "Tom Claney-ish" this sounds, but it does explain:
- the black holes in Obama's past during the 80s and early-90s
- his media training and smooth persona (taught at Friendship Univ to selected "future leaders")
- the gush of campaign donations in Aug-Sept 08 (likely from overseas donors using cash gift cards) AND
- his current perceived UN-American policies and relinquishing of American sovereignty to other nations

1 posted on 09/20/2009 1:17:34 AM PDT by BP2
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To: Fred Nerks; null and void; stockpirate; george76; PhilDragoo; Candor7; BP2; MeekOneGOP; ...

- a special "just when you thought it couldn't get any stranger" PING to the group -
2 posted on 09/20/2009 1:20:45 AM PDT by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: BP2

is there a date on that paper?

3 posted on 09/20/2009 1:25:18 AM PDT by GeronL ( .............
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To: BP2


4 posted on 09/20/2009 1:27:42 AM PDT by chris37
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To: BP2

Is it true that the old KGB files are now closed to researchers?

5 posted on 09/20/2009 1:30:28 AM PDT by GeronL ( .............
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To: GeronL; All

is there a date on that paper? Yes, here's the text version:

Watertown Daily Times (NY) - Friday, February 14, 1992
Author: Associated Press

For nearly a decade, Roman Obama's life at Patrice Lumumba University was almost paradise. He studied for free and got warm clothes and cheap airline tickets that let him see the world.

"We had so many possibilities. Maybe it was not a luxurious life, but we could travel and do things," said Obama, a 31-year-old law student from Equatorial Guinea .

The former Soviet Union spent huge sums of money over the past few decades to educate tens of thousands of foreign students - mainly from the developing world - in the name of "peoples' friendship."

Young people from Asia, Africa and Latin America studied medicine, agronomy, law and Marxist economics at universities and institutes around the country.

For those students, the place to be was Patrice Lumumba , founded by Nikita S. Khrushchev in the early 1960s when dozens of Latin American, Asian and African countries won their independence.

Now Lumumba 's dorms are crumbling. The Russian government and the university have little money. Once a Soviet showcase, the university and its students are a burden.

The entrance to all dormitories at Lumumba are guarded by police who demand to see the passports of all visitors.

In Obama's building, the lights do not work in the elevators, the garbage chute is clogged and heating is a problem.

Named for a Congolese revolutionary, Lumumba was considered in the West to be a ideological training ground for future cadres in Soviet-backed regimes such as Ethiopia, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

As the collapse of communism became more apparent, Obama revised his thesis to address the problems of cooperation between the International Monetary Fund and Africa. He hopes to work in private practice or for his country's government.

Sitting on his bed, which takes up most of his dorm room on the 13th floor of a deteriorating high-rise, Obama wonders how he'll survive his last semester.

His scholarship of 137 rubles a month is now worth about $1.37. He has no money to pay for the airline ticket that would cost 215,000 rubles to return home to Equatorial Guinea .

Obama's room is more cramped than usual. His countryman Luis Alonso, who was studying in the Ukrainian city of Odessa, managed to buy a plane ticket at the old price and is headed home. But hotels cost too much so Alonso is camping out with Obama until he gets an exit visa.

"It's impossible for us to study. The universities have no money and our government has no money. We are hostages," said another countryman, Enrique Edu, 29, a law student at Baku University in Azerbaijan.

Edu came to Moscow to plead for help for his wife, their child and about 150 other students from Equatorial Guinea in the former Soviet Union.

Baku University no longer gives foreign students any money and wants foreign students to pay a dollar a day for their dorm rooms, Edu said. He still gets his former Soviet stipend of 150 rubles ($1.50) but is not sure how long even that small sum will continue.

The students' plight was raised last week at a meeting of heads of government of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Deputy Prime Minister Gennady Burbulis of Russia said the commonwealth members agreed to seek new accords "taking into account the obligations of the former Soviet Union and preserve them in order to guarantee normal vital activity of foreign students."

Obama remembers the days when he and his friends used to be able to buy airplane and train tickets for rubles. They went around the world, often stopping in West Berlin to buy electronic goods that they would bring back and sell for high prices in the Soviet Union.

Now, they can't afford even a second-class train ticket to Berlin, and Obama said that "these days, life is good if we have bread and chicken."

6 posted on 09/20/2009 1:30:51 AM PDT by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: BP2


I wanted to invent an after, whatever story, just didn’t get around to it.

flame away. you all know me,

ouch!(in advance)

7 posted on 09/20/2009 1:31:09 AM PDT by Vendome (Don't take life so seriously... You'll never live through it.)
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To: BP2

Communism was definitely still HUGE in a lot of the world in the 80s when some of this grooming might have taken place. I certainly crossed paths with many people in various countries including this one, at college, who revered whatever they thought communism was.

And certainly the Soviets at the time were extremely confident about their indoctrination techniques. They deserved to be; they won over much of the youth in West Germany, and they weren’t doing badly in other European countries either.

Would they have groomed someone like an Obama to be the stealth candidate for President here? Does anyone need to even debate that?

But was Barack Obama that guy? No way to know, unless of course his school records showed him here, stateside, for all four of his undergraduate years.

8 posted on 09/20/2009 1:31:19 AM PDT by Yaelle
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To: BP2

I have heard the story before but the newspaper is new. Is there a date in evidence on it? Someone could verify that this exists if theres a date.

9 posted on 09/20/2009 1:31:38 AM PDT by GeronL ( .............
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To: BP2

Certainly that Obama was not Barack.

10 posted on 09/20/2009 1:32:13 AM PDT by Yaelle
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To: BP2

The guys wife must have been loaded with Vodka when she was doing all that talking... to be saying that much about what would be a very sensitive subject is not very “Russian”

11 posted on 09/20/2009 1:38:58 AM PDT by flash2368
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To: BP2

Hello, from west of the Rockies, you’re on the wild card line. Go ahead caller...... ;)

Interesting. I haven’t heard the Fife story before.

12 posted on 09/20/2009 1:39:06 AM PDT by Electric Graffiti (Yonder stands your orphan with his gun)
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To: BP2

Damn, I’ve never seen so many weird coincidences(or are they) in my entire life. He needs to be forced to release every record he has and I mean every single one. We need to know who he is and what he did and where he was. His stupid little narcissistic book that we are supposed to accept as fact isn’t gonna do it.

13 posted on 09/20/2009 1:39:29 AM PDT by mojitojoe (Socialism is just the last “feel good” step on the path to Communism and its slavery. Lenin)
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To: BP2

I can’t see the guy on the right. It just looks like a black boogey man. :P

14 posted on 09/20/2009 1:42:16 AM PDT by mojitojoe (Socialism is just the last “feel good” step on the path to Communism and its slavery. Lenin)
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To: BP2

Remember when he went to Russia and he was detained?

15 posted on 09/20/2009 1:43:54 AM PDT by mojitojoe (Socialism is just the last “feel good” step on the path to Communism and its slavery. Lenin)
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To: Yaelle; All

Certainly that Obama was not Barack.

Anyone's guess, really...

When you start researching the events surrounding Barack in the 1980s (Occidental, Columbia & Harvard) and the early-1990s (Harvard), you'll find that many people who SHOULD know him well don't even remember who he was.

In talking with folks in the intelligence community, this is certainly plausible.

I'm disclosing this correlation made between both stories, to see if there's any other connections from other researchers which might come about - from others who might have other dots to connect to these ...

16 posted on 09/20/2009 1:44:52 AM PDT by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: BP2

I cannot find the story or headline in the Google News Archives. Doesn’t mean its not true, of course. You would think an AP story would be carried by more than one paper. I didn’t use “” either, but maybe they all used different headlines.

I dunno.

Is there a Watertown Freeper who could go to their library and check this out?

17 posted on 09/20/2009 1:48:31 AM PDT by GeronL ( .............
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To: BP2
Here is that story, which I always found extremely odd. Also, this photo taken this summer when he saw Putin. Look at his face, look at it good, draw your own conclusions: Photobucket
18 posted on 09/20/2009 1:48:42 AM PDT by mojitojoe (Socialism is just the last “feel good” step on the path to Communism and its slavery. Lenin)
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To: BP2
I saw this story before. Thanks for reposting it, with the extra dimension. There's not much doubt that Obama was both funded and groomed by someone.
19 posted on 09/20/2009 1:49:48 AM PDT by Nipfan (The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it - H L Mencken)
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To: BP2

W T F? Same age, law student, name Obama, WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT!

20 posted on 09/20/2009 1:50:17 AM PDT by mojitojoe (Socialism is just the last “feel good” step on the path to Communism and its slavery. Lenin)
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