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To: Federalist Patriot
LOL.......I guess ‘doctor’ is the magic word.
2 posted on
08/13/2009 2:26:54 PM PDT by
To: Federalist Patriot
"Because it was not disrespectful," said Lee. . . . Of course not; when the speaker is of a different persuasion...
3 posted on
08/13/2009 2:28:13 PM PDT by
(Obama Administration: The Whizzers of Oz)
To: Federalist Patriot
May have been? Either you know or you don’t, maybe?
There’s always an excuse for them.
4 posted on
08/13/2009 2:28:41 PM PDT by
(WARNING! WARNING! "Political Terrorist in Charge" — STAY AWAY FROM MY BODY)
To: Federalist Patriot
Oh, Sanchez, goes to SUCH lengths to say that SOME have said it MIGHT APPEAR to be disrespectful.
What a suck-up.
5 posted on
08/13/2009 2:29:06 PM PDT by
(I may not be John Galt or Jim Thompson, but I AM THE MOB!)
To: Federalist Patriot
This stuff is to funny!! Your eyes are not seeing me.....It must have been photo shopped?....L.O.L.!
To: Federalist Patriot
How can someone doctor her looking at, listening to, and talking on that cell phone. No way. The woman is tap-dancing around the question because she’s guilty of being super rude.
7 posted on
08/13/2009 2:29:31 PM PDT by
To: Federalist Patriot
She does not even lie well.
8 posted on
08/13/2009 2:29:51 PM PDT by
Texas Fossil
(The last time I looked, this is still Texas where I live.)
To: Federalist Patriot
She is a wreck. Forest Whittiker in drag.
To: Federalist Patriot
I guess the audience reaction is also doctored?
12 posted on
08/13/2009 2:31:59 PM PDT by
(http://unitedcitizen.blogspot -Guilty of deviationism-
To: Federalist Patriot
She sounds very much like my kids when they were younger. If they didn’t want people to believe they had done something wrong, even if the people saw it and even if it’s on tape, just deny the whole thing. I’ve seen gang bangers and pot heads do the same thing when they are before the judge or when they get arrested, just deny everything and the little POSes think that that will make everything better.
It appears Ms. Lee still believes that crap. When is she going to grow up and accept responsibilities for her stupidity?
13 posted on
08/13/2009 2:33:18 PM PDT by
To: Federalist Patriot; Slings and Arrows; 1riot1ranger; Action-America; Aggie Mama; Alkhin; Allegra; ..
Queen Sheila makes a funny...
14 posted on
08/13/2009 2:33:47 PM PDT by
a fool in paradise
(There is no truth in the Pravda Media.)
To: Federalist Patriot
Lee actually said the video of her talking on the cell phone "may have been doctored." When Sanchez later tried to call her on that, she would not comment further on the video. Sanchez finally just asked why she would not simply apologize for being "disrespectful."
"Because it was not disrespectful," said Lee.
Not disrespectful!!!! ignorant can a person be?
15 posted on
08/13/2009 2:33:56 PM PDT by
(Spectre's wife (Seniors Rule!)
To: Federalist Patriot
She was googling the answer to the question, obviously.
17 posted on
08/13/2009 2:35:08 PM PDT by
(Nemo me impune lacesset)
To: Federalist Patriot
She’s a member of Congress. The person asking the question is just a commoner. How dare they accuse her of rudeness! The peasant is lucky to have been granted an audience.
18 posted on
08/13/2009 2:35:58 PM PDT by
(Question O-thority!)
To: Federalist Patriot
Most Democrats seem to have a difficult time admitting that they are less than perfect.
19 posted on
08/13/2009 2:36:30 PM PDT by
( Socks)
To: Federalist Patriot
She is absolutely despicable.
20 posted on
08/13/2009 2:36:53 PM PDT by
To: Federalist Patriot
yeah I believe her not. I want to see her cell phone records at the time of the call who was she speaking to? Pizza Hut?
21 posted on
08/13/2009 2:38:14 PM PDT by
(no more bailouts, the taxpayers are out of money!)
To: Federalist Patriot
The only thing “doctored” was her doctor friend.
To: Federalist Patriot
Sheila Jackson Lee Tells CNN that Video of Her Using Cell Phone "May Have Been Doctored" - VideoI believe her.
She was having her head examined by a doctor in India.
24 posted on
08/13/2009 2:40:10 PM PDT by
(Democrat - The Party of Obama, Suzanne Kosmas, slavery and Jim Crow laws)
To: Federalist Patriot
MORE publicity for sheila. YES. more and more and more. PLEASE cnn keep this up. The more people know what an arrogant female canine she is, the better the chance she will be made irrelavant. Tie her to the dimrat party and vice versa.
25 posted on
08/13/2009 2:42:32 PM PDT by
Texas resident
( Boys and Girls, it's us against them.)
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