The bloom is off the Socialist Rose!
Not at all. 92% of those asked like his socialist policies. They just disagree on Israel, although (stooopid) it was apparent already during the campaign.
Liberal Jewish Americans may not support Obama’s Israel policy - somewhat - but, in the majority, they love his culture of death socialist proposal.
They don’t mind eldery and handicapped Americans being targeted for “health care savings.” They know centralized denial of care will kill off innocent people. They don’t mind the eldery living on a fixed income having their heating costs doubled with cap and trade (meaning a lot of them will freeze) in the name of global warming.
Both the domestic death policy and the Middle East death policy, go hand in hand. Jewish Liberals are like all other liberals, including Christian and Catholic ones.
My interpretation of this is that:
(1) Jewish Democrats understand that Obama's policies are bad for the long-term survival of Israel, andWhat the poll points out is that Israel is less important to them than their socialist agenda. They would rather Israel be destroyed than risk any chance that Roe v Wade be overturned.(2) They don't care.
Stop it.. just stop it...
The folks who vote socialist are going to continue to vote socialist / marxist until the day they die(heh.. and even that might not stop them)
Just let it go...