“If you really think Nancy Pelosi is dumb, please explain how she was able to sweep TARP, Stimulus and Cap and Trade through the house so easily? Anyone who assumes she is dumb, is at an incredible disadvantage when it comes to dealing with her...I will never underestimate the enemy again!”
Seriously? she has a big advantage in numbers to begin with, plus those bills were all LADEN with pork for the people voting for them. At least HALF of the stimulus bill was pork for the guys who voted for it. Not hard to get a vote with that little incentive.
Hassert, Lott and Frist gave away plenty of pork as well and when it really mattered got nothing in return because of the minority Democrats and RINO's who couldn't be controlled by the three leaders or President Bush. Up until now, Nancy has kept the blue dogs and Harry Reid on a very tight leash.