“I was raised a southern baptist. I love my baptist friends, and have pastors and close friends and deacons in the church who know I am a Christian and have no problem voicing it. You know why? Because they know me and have seen me interact with others, including themselves out of my Christian faith.”
IF ANY “Southern Baptist” genuinely accepts you as a “Christian” they are either lying to you or ignorant fools in regards to scripture and theology and really should not call themselves Southern Baptist. Sadly there are liberal (Jimmy Carter types) still lurking in the Southern Baptist Convention. Half the so-called Southern Baptists in Texas have gone over to the liberal side. I honestly don’t know why they continue to call themselves Southern Baptist. They are only “nominal” members of the SBC. It is shameful for me to even have to mention them.
There is NO more hateful an act than to tell a lost sinner (in this case a mormon) that he is a “Christian” when he clearly cannot be in accordance with solid Christian/Biblical (Sola Scriptura) theology. These SBC friends of yours don’t seem to grasp that moral behavior is not necessarily evidence of being a Christian.
Whatever, I will not back down. Mormons are NOT Christian, and to buy into mormon beliefs is naive and irrational (or to be horrible deceived). Argue all you will....it won’t change a thing. Throw away your Mormon books and literature and stick with the Bible alone - and NOT seen through mormon glasses that distort. There you will find the whole truth...the kind that trully saves from sin. This is NOT to be found in mormon teaching. This is the audacious truth. So, if I have audacity, I am glad of it.
I think we have both staked our positions clearly. I honestly bear you no ill will...in fact I am concerned about you, your family, and any you may corrupt in your deceived state. May God have mercy on you and grant you true repentance from heresy and grant you saving faith.
BTW - I DO NOT consider myself intrinsically better than you. If anything I consider myself to be a vile person in my own being. ANY good that may be in me comes from God. Without Him in the person of God the Son, Jesus Christ, I would be totally hopeless and helpless.
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see.” John Newton
“Could my tears forever flow. Could my zeal no langor know. These for sin, could not atone. Thou must save, and Thou alone. In my hand no price I bring. Simply to Thy Cross I cling.” Augustus Toplady
Now you are disparaging and castigating good men and women whom I know and love who know me, who know my heart, who have been involved with me in all manner of mutual acts of Christian charity, and I with them. Yet you presume to sit in judgement of them from a distance and call them liars.
Pretty sad actually.
I will pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ for you, that your heart will be softened and filled more with the spirit of Christian charity and humility. I can do no more.
Christ himself said no man confesses Jesus Christ except moved upon by the Holy Spirit. I confess Him to you now, once again as I have done on several occassion in our conversation, in all humility and sincerity. That witness of Christ will stand despite your pronouncements to the contrary.
Other than that, I have already answered. Others will read and judge for themselves.
"Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost 1 Cor 12:3.
But he, being an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, spoke for Him, and therefore, they were Christ's words.