“The entire legitimacy or birther issue is indeed passionate but definitely not rational.”
While I agree that certain “ideas” put forward are rather incredible, I don’t think you really grasp what this is all about to the majority of us. I “think” I speak for many when I say that I just want President Obama to completely and fully reveal all records from his past....starting with the real and full BC. All the different routes taken to get this to happen (the potentially bogus Keyan BC) are just means to an end.
You are just a plain fool if you see the desire for full disclosure to be irrational. Actually, those of you (to include Ann Coulter) that waste your time trying to stop such legitimate inquiries are not acting “rational” because you don’t grasp the reality of how things appear and are.
Also, you don’t seem to understand that anything that undermines the credibility of the Obama administration (even if it is just an persistent annoyance) derails his, IMO, socialist agenda. You worry about how the public perceives us.....Duh! When has the MSM ever not tryed to make us look bad to the public?
Was Barrack Hussein Obama born in Kenya? I seriously doubt it; it doesn’t hurt to inquire though. Is he hiding something politically damaging in his Hawaiian BC and college records? Yes, I strongly believe he is; “what” I do not know nor will speculate. I WANT TO SEE THOSE RECORDS MADE PUBLIC. If this means some things happening that are not “rational”, then so be it.
Besides, I am one of those that hold to an originalist view of the constitution. I am fully convinced that President Obama being born the son of a Kenyan father negates his “natural born” status that is required in the U.S. Constitution. IF the courts were acting properly, he would NOT be sitting in the Oval Office today. He is a U.S. Citizen, but not a “natural born” one.
IF the American people don’t care about the “natural born” cause in the Constitution, they need to ammend the Constitution not ignore it.
Whatever, you are behaving irrationally to keep attempting to convince persons otherwise. You have your opinion, I have mine.
Hear, hear!