I chanced to hear Smerconish last night on the radio, with Horowitz. It was unbearable. They just went around in circles: The man got 63 million votes.
Not one word about whether there is any evidence that Soetoro is a citizen.
Horowitz’s argument is totally consequentialist: It would “tear the country apart” if Obama were to be removed from office “on a technicality.”
Message to Horowitz: Pragmatism Doesn’t Work!
If you “save” the country from being “torn apart” over Soetoro’s citizenship, what subsequent treason and chaos are you setting us up for?
It would seem an eerie, TwilightZone lapse of perspective by Horowitz -- misfeasance of his readers/listeners’ trust -- the mind just going bye-bye.
I’m with Horowitz, I’m skeptical of the birth certificate thing. It’s a valid line of inquiry, needs to be looked into, BUT it’s misdirected energy. You choose your battles, and with what little political capital the GOP has right now it needs to focus on fighting fights it can get the majority of the American people on its side on.