Experience had taught me that innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does. Innocence is a mighty shield, and the man or woman covered by it, is much more likely to answer calmly: My life is blameless. Look into it, if you like, for you will find nothing. That is the tone of innocence. -- Whittaker Chambers, from his book WITNESS
As I struggled to control my feeling, slowly and deliberately, I heard myself saying, rather than said: The story has spread that in testifying against Mr. Hiss I am working out some old grudge, or motives of revenge or hatred. I do not hate Mr. Hiss. We were close friends, but we are caught in a tragedy of history. Mr. Hiss represents the concealed enemy against which we are all fighting, and I am fighting. I have testified against him with remorse and pity, but in a moment of history in which this Nation now stands, so help me God, I could not do otherwise. In the completely silent room, I fought to control my voice. (694-695) -- from WITNESS
Mr. Specter-Hiss, do the right thing by your Oath and Country!
I to have been thinking of Whittaker Chambers and his book WITNESS..