Personally I think they intermingled and were absorbed by the indians.
Regarding the DNA, when they have a sample of the Indian (Lumbee, etc.) and see an anglo mix, what will they compare it to? Are there known descendants/relatives of the original 116 around today? If not, an anglo mix (highly probably) does not necessarily mean mix with the Roanoke settlers.
Personally I think they intermingled and were absorbed by the indians.
You don’t mean in a culinary sense, right? Always heard the only canabals were on Galveston Island.
The Lumbees truly believe and they certainly don’t look all that much like the Indian Indians all around, but there are many such groups, like the “We sorts” in Southern Maryland.
Only in quite recent times did the Federal Government consent to classify the Lumbees as an Indian tribe. For several centuries those around them did not regard them as an Indian tribe, such as those of the Seneca Nation.