The neo-cons are post-American nationalists but ironically pro-Israel nationalists.
No they are not. They defend Israel on the basis of it being a "democracy" at the same time they seek to promote democracy by the sword in the Islamic world. If their Jacobin delusions were magically sucessful, their plans would undermine their only liberal defense of Israel.
As right-liberals, thier defense of a nation-state is an unprincipled exception, one which crumbles to the left, barring a screaming match of racism.
And I would note Irish Americans who support the unification of Ireland are no better.
PS. There is now a pretty good Vodka buy the name Sobieski.
Interesting point about the Ottomans. Good book on that is Stoye’s “The Siege of Vienna”
Sobieski vodka is the best value on the market, no doubt. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same stuff sold in the fancy bottles (like Chopin vodka)
I think that the combinatin of the Celtic Tiger period and the power of the EU have taken the wind from the sails of the 26+6=1 movement...