Soliton. I hope you will reconsider and advocate your positions. Do so with consideration to others and armed with truth and logic. I will be glad to discuss any of these matters with you, but they are not silly subjects. Ideas like you hold have consequences. Ideas like I hold have consequences. I used to be not unlike you in my positions, many, many years ago. Whatever you do, I hope you will be incisive in analysis, and most of all profoundly honest with yourself, notwithstanding evidence which is contrary to your desired outcome. YOu may or may not know Einsein held great contempt for the notion of origin of the universe ex nihlo. So much so that he created a fictitous cosmological constant which he knew was an error. He later said it was the biggest mistake of is professional life. Later he said as irritating as it was, he said he "wanted to know how God created the universe. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details." Though his belief came to become a pantheistic belief, he was still looking for the truth. I hope you find it, and if you change your mind I will welcome the discussion.
May the wind always be at your back.