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To: Calpernia
I've always been puzzled by this account:

A newspaper story on the day he left, June 22, said Obama planned a several-weeks grand tour of Mainland universities before he arrived at Harvard to study economics on a graduate faculty fellowship. The story did not mention that he had a wife and an infant son.

Many years later, Barack Jr., then in high school, found a clipping of the article in a family stash of birth certificates and old vaccination forms. Why wasn't his name there, or his mother's? He wondered, he later wrote, "whether the omission caused a fight between my parents."

On his way east, Obama stopped in San Francisco and went to dinner at the Blue Fox in the financial district with Hal Abercrombie, who had moved to the city with his wife, Shirley. Abercrombie would never forget that dinner; he thought it showed the worst side of his old friend, a combination of anger and arrogance that frightened him.

Shirley was a blonde with a high bouffant hairdo, and when she showed up at the side of Hal and Barack, the maitre d' took them to the most obscure table in the restaurant. Obama interpreted this as a racial slight. When the waiter arrived, Obama tore into him, shouting that he was an important person on his way to Harvard and would not tolerate such treatment, Abercrombie recalled.

"He was berating the guy and condescending every time the waiter came to our table. There was a superiority and an arrogance about it that I didn't like."

Tells me Obama knows what is on his birth certificate and why he's fighting its release.

373 posted on 02/05/2009 10:20:11 AM PST by Beckwith (Typical white person)
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To: Beckwith

>>>Many years later, Barack Jr., then in high school, found a clipping of the article in a family stash of birth certificates and old vaccination forms. Why wasn’t his name there, or his mother’s? He wondered, he later wrote, “whether the omission caused a fight between my parents.”<<<

This doesn’t make any sense to me. If there was a stash of “family” BCs and vax forms, and none were his or his mother’s, whose were they? Just his grandparents? Or were some HIS but a totally different name??

Also, is this Abercrombie related to Neil in HI?

388 posted on 02/05/2009 1:19:14 PM PST by little jeremiah (Leave illusion, come to the truth. Leave the darkness, come to the light.)
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