It's over. Hawaii says it's a legal birth certificate.
This is a dead issue, and continuing to persue it only de-legitimizes us.
Now's the time to roll up our sleeves and rebuild the Republican brand. Persuing these bizarre conspiracy theories is extremely counter-productive to that end, and will serve only to push more voters away from the GOP and towards the libs, who look more and more respectable the more we howl at the moon.
I have a question that none of my friends have been able to answer. What happens, if we find out conclusively that he wasn’t eligible to be elected to POTUS, to any Bills that he signed? Will they still be considered to be legally passed and approved?
How about we start that rebuilding by first defending the words of the framers of our Constitution, and get to the bottom of this issue first, after all, isn't this what Constitutional Republicanism is all about??
What good is a brand if there is no viable product behind it??? The founders put those words in our Constitution for a purpose, and it could very well be that if we stand firmly on those words now, that we will save ourselves from insurmountable trouble down the road.