You are absolutely correct. For the doubting Freepers show me where to find the documentation.
Honestly I just wish they could grasp the dangerous situation that’s been exposed. Vetting is supposedly done by the party behind the candidate. In this situation it’s the democrats who are basically telling us that their candidate is eligible to serve. They offer no proof and none has ever really been required but it isn’t 1776 any more and I don’t trust the democrats.
For the sake of argument let’s say Obama is elected and only then we find out that he isn’t eligible to serve. The democrats will control any fight over removing him and just aren’t going to do that. Foreign entities will see the flaw in our electoral system and likely will attempt to exploit it. In a few years we’ll see men like George Soros (example) petitioning the supreme court for his “right” to run in our elections. He will cite the election of Obama as the precedent having been set.