Hmmm, what does this mean...does Hillary want to be McCains VP, naaa. Does she want Obama to lose...? Ill bet.”
I’ve been predicting this for months. Look back at ‘04. The Clintons helped get GW re-elected against Kerry, with their eye on the ‘08 prize (GW could only serve another 4 years, after all).
Now that she knows there’s no prayer for VP pick, and unless there can be a huge scandal unearthed about BHO at the last minute (we only wish), Hill/Bill will be a big help for McCain (God knows he needs it) - they’re sure that he’d only be a one-term prez (vs. the BHO danger of 8 years), then they can come back in ‘12.
Strategery :-))))))))))
Well that stuff I said ‘naa’ to were things that crossed my mind.
And yes, as you say, she would like Obama to lose and try her comeback in 4 years.
Lol, they’ve made fun of how bad she may look in ‘four more years’!!