“Even if he was born in Hawaii the site claims that he isn’t eligible. “
That’s clearly false and therefore bring the wholse website into disrepute.
Anyone born in Hawaii in 1961, which is a state after all, is a natural born U.S. citizen.
Obama was born in Hawaii. Ergo, he is a natural born US citizen.
Why are they using a forged birth certificate though?
Obama was born in Hawaii.
Was he?
The only proof you offer is an electronic copy of a very questionable Birth Certificate.
No other common background documentation seems to exist. No hospital record of birth, no birth announcement in the local papers, no entry in a family Bible, no diaper service receipts, no recollections of the busybody next door.
We do have reports from relatives who claim to have been at his birth in Kenya.
Look, I just went through getting a certified copy of my own BC. It took me all of 5 minutes to find an on line service that would handle the paperwork, perhaps an hour or so to track down a notary to certify that it's really me on signing the documents (BTW, a notary won't accept a Passport as valid ID!) and about $20. Got it in about a week.
It's not that hard.