We listen to facts as presented by Rush Limbaugh.
How do you know “oddly enough” we mirror his opnions??? You don’t know me. You don’t know all of Rush Limbaugh’s listeners.
Who says we “blindly” accept his opinion as fact? You keep telling me/us what you think we do as Rush Limbaugh listeners. You have no idea.
Why do you even bother to catch the third hour of his show or any hour of his show for that matter if you think his listeners are all “blindly” accepting his opinion as fact????
I BELIEVE it was hillllereee that said years and years (right after she cackled that obnoxious laugh of hers) that Rush was “entertaining.” That made me laugh. Everyone that dislikes him or does not agree with him uses that same old tired line about him being “entertaining.” He’s entertaining allright...he’s done a LOT of “entertaining” and it has certainly helped this country more than a lot of the politicians who are NOT entertaining...just clowns.
Rush is the man. He is a patriot and a true American. you don’t have to like him. That is your privilege. I DO like him. He makes people think about what is out there instead of grabbing the tail of the elephant in front of them.
One day you will come to realize just how much we were blessed to have Rush walk among us. Have a nice day.
Sounds like worship to me.
Why do you figure his opinions are so much better than your own?
Grow a little self esteem.