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To: colorcountry
When I was raised in Mormonism, he wasn’t to be considered a “personal” Savior at all.

Holy cow?!!! Exactly which LDS church did you go to?

1 Ne. 11: 33 Son to be lifted up upon cross and slain for sins of world.
2 Ne. 2: 7 Messiah offers himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer ends of law.
2 Ne. 2: 10 punishment affixed to law to answer ends of atonement.
2 Ne. 9: 7 (2 Ne. 25: 16) atonement must be infinite.
2 Ne. 9: 26 atonement satisfies demands of justice.
2 Ne. 10: 25 God raises man from everlasting death by power of atonement.
2 Ne. 11: 5 justice, power, and mercy in great and eternal plan of deliverance from death.
2 Ne. 11: 6 save Christ should come, all must perish.
Jacob 4: 11 be reconciled unto God through atonement of Christ.
Jacob 7: 12 (Alma 34: 9; Alma 42: 15) if no atonement, all mankind must be lost.
Mosiah 3: 11 Christ’s blood atones for sins of those fallen by Adam’s transgression.
Mosiah 3: 15 (Mosiah 13: 28) law of Moses avails nothing except through atonement of Christ’s blood.
Mosiah 4: 6-7 (Alma 13: 5) atonement prepared from foundation of world.
Mosiah 13: 28 (Alma 34: 9) except for atonement, all must perish, notwithstanding law of Moses.
Mosiah 14: 5 (Isa. 53: 5) he was wounded for our transgressions.
Mosiah 14: 10 (Isa. 53: 10) thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin.
Alma 7: 11 Son will take upon him pains and sicknesses of his people.
Alma 22: 14 sufferings and death of Christ atone for men’s sins.
Alma 24: 13 Christ’s blood shed for atonement of sins.
Alma 30: 17 Korihor teaches there could be no atonement.
Alma 34: 8 Christ shall take upon him the transgressions of his people and atone for sins of world.
Alma 34: 11 no man can sacrifice own blood which will atone for sins of another.
Alma 42: 15 plan of mercy could not be brought about without an atonement.
Alma 42: 23 mercy comes because of atonement.
Alma 42: 23 atonement brings to pass the resurrection.
Hel. 5: 9 only means whereby man can be saved is through atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
3 Ne. 11: 14 Christ has been slain for sins of world.
Moro. 7: 41 ye shall have hope through atonement of Christ.
Moro. 8: 20 he who says children need baptism sets at naught Christ’s atonement.
Moro. 10: 33 ye are sanctified in Christ, by grace of God, through shedding of blood of Christ.
D&C 18: 11 Redeemer suffered pain of all men.
D&C 19: 16, 18 God suffered that men might not.
D&C 29: 1 the Lord’s arm of mercy atones for sins.
D&C 29: 46 (D&C 74: 7) children are redeemed from foundation of world through atonement of Savior.
D&C 38: 4 by virtue of his spilt blood Christ pleads before Father for men.
D&C 45: 4 Father, behold sufferings and death of him who did no sin.
D&C 76: 69 Jesus wrought out perfect atonement through shedding of blood.
D&C 138: 2 great atoning sacrifice made by Son for redemption of world.
D&C 138: 4 mankind to be saved through atonement of Son.
Moses 5: 7 sacrifice of firstling of flock is similitude of sacrifice of Only Begotten.
Moses 6: 54 Son has atoned for original guilt.
A of F 3 through Atonement of Christ all mankind may he saved.

265 posted on 06/12/2007 1:52:53 PM PDT by sevenbak (After the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers... Acts 24:14)
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To: sevenbak

And I’ll ask you seven, what did the Savior save you FROM?

266 posted on 06/12/2007 2:18:45 PM PDT by colorcountry ( We need to move away from the Kennedy Wing of the Republican Party. (Duncan Hunter))
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