I understand your frustrations. One question though: If the Democrats take back the House and the Senate, will we as a nation be better off then with the spineless Republicans?
The stakes are very high right now - we are war. Do you trust Democrats to continue to fight in Iraq and fight the war on terror?
Honestly, I think things will only get worse, but then the GOP or Conservative Party can run true reformers...otherwise, we continue to see continued growth of gov't and taxes under the GOP flag. The only way to reform the system is to get those benefitting most from its dysfunction out of it. Period. Otherwise, what, y'all expect them to reform themselves? LMAO.
I find it interesting to see how quickly Freepers turn on one of their own...
honestly, I do not trust anyone in political office right now...they are so beholden to special interests...like I said, I like Tancredo, I like Santorum, I really like John Spencer in NY, but the GOP is throwing him under the bus, turning their horses around like the clan leaders in Braveheart, as they've done to Bush when he tries to get tough on issues...
kick all the career guys out, Dem and Rep