That's their level of political thinking.
Yeah. What was up with that "Politically Incorrect?" It would consist of a bunch of Politically Correct liberals ganging up on one lone Politically Incorrect conservative on each show. That show should have been titled, "Politically Correct."
He was once arguing with a pro-lifer about the partial birth ban on "Politically Incorrect." I think it was Falwell...anyway, the pro-lifer asked why the unborn has no right to life, much less a right to not be killed with a scissors in its brain, but the minute they're born on American soil they have all the rights and freedoms anyone could wish for.
Maher's answer? "Because they're unborn." He answered it the way you'd say "Because they're firemen" if somebody you really hated asked you why a bunch of guys in fire hats were getting off a fire truck and running into a burning house. Just dripping with derision and an "I'm sooooo smart" smug look on his face.
Yeah, I thought, what a genius. Click!