I still think we need a website to post photos of ourselves burning the Mexican rag. I'll print one off the internet for it.
Aw geeze. I'm not real sure burning another nations flag, save Iran or Saudi Arabia is really what we need to be doing. But hey its a free country do what you want.
Why am I reminded of the Farside cartoon where the man is being carried face down on a stretcher along the castle wall with a bunch of arrows sticking out of his bare but and is saying to the guy carrying him, "So then I sez we oughtta moon those saxon dogs."
I love and respect our flag. I respect the flags of all countries. Just because others do it, does not mean we, Americans, should do it.
Do it if you want, I assume you're an adult.
I don't think it does much, and it reminds me too much of the other type of cretins we know all too well.
Great idea! Post pictures of your burn so we can all celebrate. :o)
I don't think you should burn their flag. You're merely falling down to their level.
Count me out. I won't engage in the behavior of liberals.
I think there are some others who feel the same. Will post when I have details
I think the burning of flags has become so deja vu -- with Americans and everybody else burning somebody's flag -- that it's almost meaningless at this point. BUT - Rush alerted me to this and I checked out on Drudge - what I find FAR MORE offensive is the high school principal in Houston who had the Mexican flag hoisted along with the U.S. and Texas flag at his school. This is far more insidious than an act comitted by some irrational (and constitutional)
group of protesters. It's an act by an official paid by tax payers and part of our public education school system who took it upon himself to raise a foreign flag on public
property that implied that this foreign nation has parity with the United States - as displayed publically on the people's property. I won't even discuss how this contributes to the increasing indifference(even hostility) many impressionable students have towards America's history and role in foreign affairs.
I think it escalates the debate needlessly (didn't Bush ask for us to remain "civil"?)
Yeah, they are being idiots. But we shouldn't stoop to their level. Just do peaceful stuff that everyone can agree is acceptable.
Not into flag burning, but I think maybe we need some counter demos, although I've heard thoughts against that too here.
Don't forget, up here we don't have so many Mexicans, we are more awash in Asian/Mid Eastern/African illegals.
But it does annoy me muchly, all these demos organized by commies. We need a demo of our own.
March 31, 2006
DATE Sunday, April 9, 2006
TIME: 12-2pm
PLACE Mexican Consulate, 553 S. Stone Ave., Tucson, AZ
Border Guardians invites concerned American citizens to join us in protesting Mexicos infringement upon American sovereignty by its attempts to influence legislation within the United States Congress and the legislative bodies of its states.
To combat illegal aliens disrespect for Americas flag by walking upon it and burning it, we will be burning and defacing the flag of Mexico at this demonstration. The Mexican flag is merely a symbol of the government of Mexico and its lawless people who invade the United States and then feel perfectly safe in taking to the streets to demand rights they do not have and are not entitled to as illegal aliens. Instead of peaceably petitioning for citizenship and pursuing immigration in a lawful way, they loudly and publicly demand that our Congress give them amnesty or preferential guest worker status because they come from Mexico.
Border Guardians demands that ICE and CBP immediately begin enforcing laws requiring the arrest and deportation of illegal aliens, whether they are found at the border or in the interior of the United States.
CONTACT: Laine Lawless
(520) 540-0044
Border Guardians, Inc., a non-profit AZ corporation
Member of Border Watch Federation
1015 W. Prince Rd. #131-146
Tucson, AZ 85705
As long as there are illegal aliens,
there will be http://borderguardians.org