Nope. There aren't many illegals available in Indiana, at least outside of Indianapolis which may have more.
Since you have no personal knowledge, where do you get this $10 to $20 per hour figure?
Everything I hear is that they are working dirt cheap.
Here's the deal ~ you get little scrawny guys from Souvr'n Mexico getting a job in Indiana ~ a good job too since they're not getting cheated.
Next thing you know they've got enough money to bring in the new wife, and here she comes ~ a beauty queen ~ the kind of girl that guy would never SEE, to say nothing of MEET, or MARRY, if he didn't have the kind of income he has in Indiana.
There's a lot more benefit to the illegal male than always meets the eye, but a trip to the Seymour Wal-Mart, over near the tomatilla counter on Saturday afternoon ought to clarify the situation.