To: bella1
Oh really? Almost no one survives pancreatic cancer beyond five years. And if they do, they are never "fine" during the treatment. Give me a break. Isn't one of the side effects of pancreatic cancer surgery the urge to heartily sing Broadway show tunes on the cell phone while still recuperating in the ICU?
11 posted on
06/09/2005 5:20:52 AM PDT by
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: PJ-Comix
Maybe in an alternate reality.
15 posted on
06/09/2005 5:39:53 AM PDT by
(red county, blue state)
To: PJ-Comix
"Oh really? Almost no one survives pancreatic cancer beyond five years. And if they do, they are never "fine" during the treatment. Give me a break."
"Isn't one of the side effects of pancreatic cancer surgery the urge to heartily sing Broadway show tunes....."
That may be a clue why they don't survive for long.
18 posted on
06/09/2005 5:46:09 AM PDT by
To: PJ-Comix
You're so filled with vitrol!
22 posted on
06/09/2005 5:53:51 AM PDT by
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