I just checked DUmmieland. NOTHING. It looks like a total lockdown on anything to do with Scamdy. In fact I haven't even seen any Scamdy posts over there (if you see them, then link them). Strange. You would think that they would be CELEBRATORY over there since Pitt supposedly posted documents "proving" that Scamdy did indeed have pancreatic cancer. Instead they are completely MUM on the subject of Scamdy, hoping it will just go away. Sorry DUmmies but it WON'T go away.
But he does have over 8,000 edresses, and that was before sfexpat2000 collected a whole new bunch for him since April 28. If you're gonna live off the donation gravy train, you've got to have a mailing list. So maybe he will go from being "Scamdy" to "Spamdy."