Could someone explain to me the difference between pimping a blog and sharing something I wrote with this community?
There is a section of this forum where personal writings and blogs are welcome.......this does not belong in News.
Now, learn the rules or go away.
Since you signed up last week, you have done nothing but post articles from your website...meaning that you're not really interested in FR itself, you're just trying to take advantage of FR's popularity and very wide readership for your own benefit.
If you're so smart that you can write this blog that everyone needs to read, then how come that fact isn't as plain as day to you?
FR Welcome Thread for Newbies and Lurkers.
Here ^ | 9/11/04 | Rebelbase
Vanities and General Interest.
General Interest (Chat)
All non-sourced non-news threads are posted here. This doesnt mean your one thought is a thread by itself. Lately, we have been seeing articles posted that should be comments made on the main article. Your comment/vanity article will be pulled or moved to General Interest (Chat). Vanities should be limited to the mission of Free Republic.
Bloggers & Personal
For all of you who have blogs or personal web sites or personal news or opinion or forum sites that you would like to discuss or promote on Free Republic, here's the place to do it.
Our new Bloggers & Personal forum is for:
Posting from your blog.
Posting from other peoples blogs.
Posting your from your personal web site.
Posting from other peoples personal web sites.
Promoting your blog.
Promoting other peoples blogs.
Promoting your personal web site.
Promoting your favorite web sites.
Posting from your favorite outside forums.
Posting from your favorite lefty forums or sites (DUh and the like).
Click on the "Bloggers & Personal" forum link on the Forums sidebar of the latest posts pages.