> It's apparent that the new Democratic strategy
> is to talk up the Candidate.
The talking-up might actually slow the collapse if they
could get both Kerry & Mrs. Heinz to STOP talking. What
you're describing isn't cheerleading - it's damage control.
On the bright side, this election might finally bring an
end to focus-group-tested buzzword talking points, and
a return to content (where Bush has been all along).
The Kerry staffers are beginning to sound more and
more like the live characters in a "Weekend at Bernie's"
movie. The candidate is only standing at the mic because
his elbows are nailed to the podium.
Kerry's news conference was nothing BUT talking points and buzzwords: "Bush has no credibility on Iraq." "Bush has not shown leadership in Iraq."
He's trying to tear down Bush's strengths by just saying Bush is not what he clearly is.
To turn into Howard Dean may bring out the base, but Americans don't cut and run.
Besides, Bush is doing all four things in Kerry's "plan."