"I'm a conservative living in California and I see two issues crucial to the survival of my nation and my state. A well armed citizen populus and control of our borders."
Hi! I am in CA too: LA.
I agree with the above.
But you are expecting Bush to perform miracles and then you are disappointed, when he doesn't. He can't change decades of problems in one minute. He has tightened up the borders considerably, and the Bush administration was the first in a very long time, who declared that the correct interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is indeed that individuals have a right to bear arms. That was a landmark decision.
Bush Backs Individuals Right to Guns
Administration Reverses 2nd Amendment Interpretation
The Associated Press
W A S H I N G T O N, May 7 The Bush administration has told the Supreme Court for the first time that it believes the Constitution protects an individual's right to possess guns, reversing the government's longstanding interpretation of the Second Amendment. With Bush, I think what people have to keep in mind, is that he doesn't make big pronouncement, he tends to not say much, but DO things in the background, achieving a great deal, instead.
He had the courage to reverse the long standing interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, which pro-2nd amendment people should remember.
Just think of the Iraqi war -- the reason it was so "easy" was because there was a great deal of work went on behind the scenes.
Bush is focusing on the results, many steps ahead, and you may not see the intermediate steps.
Just as with the assault ban -- Bush had it worked out with Congress, and some people got all upset at Bush, without knowing the full story.
If you take a step back, you will see that Bush is accomplishing a lot of things, which aren't being trumpeted, but are definitely based on conservative principles.
Your link doesnt work, but in any case, Bush qualified that release with his support of current law, & reiterated that the feds can 'reasonably regulate' weapons. -- In effect we are giving away our rights to bear military type arms.
THe fox is in the henhouse, and imo, gun contol won't stop till we are regulated to aprox. Canadian/British standards.