I have decided that I do not have enough side knowledge to form an opinion as to whether object #3 gives evidence of design (apart from anthropic principle) or not.
The object is certainly complex. The picture appears to be an electron microscope image of something that reminds me of a pollen grain. It appears to be hollow. It appears that it might be or once have been organic (which would vastly increase the complexity factor). Certain other features, such as the slightly irregular and aperiodic shape and configuration of the large and small protrusions, and also what appear to be apertures, also seem to point in the direction of it being organic in nature.
The question in my mind is, what caused this object? The alternatives are chance, necessity, or design. But without being able to examine the object with more than the visual detail of a computer screen it is difficult to determine what is its substance, or to know if and/or how it acts in relation to its environment. If the object performs some function in relation to some other objects, depending on their nature, any probability calculations obviously change. Consequently it is very difficult to evaluate in any meaningful way the object's contingency or improbability, and any specification, and so to make a positive inference of design.