I want to express my appreciation for your lofty consideration of my intellect, but I must say again: I did not invent the notion that your rights end where they abrogate the rights of someone else.
You don't have a right to smoke where the consequences of your choice are forced on me. Period.
That's why these ordinances are going to continue to proliferate, and that's why in about ten years, the thought that one used to have to put up with cigarette smoke in a restaurant will be as repugnant as the thought that once you had to put up with cigarette smoke in the workplace.
You're on the wrong side of history. I would advise you to try and learn to live with it.
One way might be to stop smoking. It would be good for you, and for those who live with you. It would extend your child's life a few years, and make it more likely that SHE will not smoke.
If you really ARE the superlative parent that you insist you are, you would take all that much more seriously than you have so far.
You don't have a right to smoke where the consequences of your choice are forced on me. Period.
Get a grip on reality - if you enter my private property your rights consist of what I say they consist of - PERIOD. The same goes for me if I enter your private property.
Tell me again what I should do with my life and that of my family and I will report you for abuse - got it??? You know nothing about me - just as I know nothing about you. Until such time as you have walked in my shoes and lived my life - keep your nose out of it. Got that???
If you want a non-smoking bar or restaurant to frequent - talk the owners of the establishment or open your own - keep the government out of it.