I've been absorbed in a dispute over whether emergency checks should be held by the party chair for use to carry on party business seamlessly in case of a sudden incapacity of the Treasurer that may occur due to health or accident. In addition, most party purchases can't be made on credit and must be paid for by check and the amount filled in at time of purchase. So for me to have a few emergency checks for instances when there is little time to have the Treaurer provide one would be awkward or impossible. This is why a previous Treasurer provided me with a few checks. As an example of the need for such checks, they enabled me to do a last minute sign up for the county fair that would have been practically impossible otherwise. Also the Chair before me had such checks. Our bylaws do not describe the Treasurer's duty, except to state, "The Treasurer shall receive, expend, and account for the funds of the Party under the supervision and direction of the Chair and Executive Committee." When as Chair I directed the Treasurer to provide me with a few emergency checks, his response was a curt, "No checks, Marv." The Chair has always been a signatory on the account. So rather than make a fuss over it, I went ahead and ordered emergency checks for myself. Now the Treasurer has called and demanded that I return them, or else! When I pointed out that he hadn't conformed to the bylaw and taken my direction to give me checks, he ignored the point and complained to other Excom members including the Vice Chair, who adamantly insists that it is anathema for there to be blank checks out that aren't in the Treasurer's possession, as if only the Treaurer is trustworthy with party money and I'm not. It's a disappointment to be distrusted with the small amount in the party checking account (most is in an MMF) considering I led the charge to save the party $420/month x 18 months = $7560 thus far by moving out of an office April '99, and substantial added savings by publishing the newsletter electronically 2 out of 3 months. It's especially disappointing at a time when I'm running for two government offices and also trying to continue to spend my time and energy doing outreach to grow and publicize the LPSCC rather than "inreach" on internal party squabbles with Excom members who haven't done a lot yet to help grow or publicize the party.