2. You do not know that these people were appointed to placate the homosexual lobby. My guess is that most of them were the best in their areas of expertise, given the president's track record on appointments.
3. The Constitution makes no mention of homosexuals. None. A conservative is free to appoint a homosexual, assuming that the person is not a security risk.
4. Others with sins have been appointed to positions within the administration. The newly appointed Secretary of the Treasury was involved in a child support issue over his DIVORCE. If you go through every one of the presidient's appointments, I am certain you will find people that are divorced, had an affair, stole from petty cash, smoked, drank, failed to pay parking tickets, and didn't attend church every Sunday.
ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. Homosexuality is a sin, in my opinion, but so is adultery, bearing false witness, stealing, and envy. If you want the President to deny appointments to homosexuals, you should expect him to deny appointments to all the other sinners as well.
Of course, we will have a hard time finding appointees, but what the heck, let's just run the government like Oliver Cromwell.