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To: Marine Inspector
If what you posted is true, I stand corrected. I just know that (A) there's some nonsense floating around about "counties are the only Constitutional authority" and (B) Federal authorities are above any others, when they are acting lawfully. Getting a Court order is no doubt what they would probably do. I just know that because of some debacles like Ruby Ridge and Waco, some rubeish clods might be getting some "big britches" ideas. And if they try to obstruct FLEOs acting lawfully, they should be taken down hard.
93 posted on 12/28/2002 11:41:22 PM PST by 185JHP
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To: 185JHP; Marine Inspector
Like I said earlier. No one wants an end to constitutional law and its mandated federal component.

Debacles like Ruby Ridge and Waco are not isolated events. They happen to be the largest and most publicised. There are many others that occur.

They are endemic of a condition where the Federal component is continuing to gradually exceed its constitutional mandates. What happened at Klamath Falls Oregon with the water situation last year is another large example that did get a lot of press (because a few people were willing to risk all to stand up against it and get the word out) that, thankfully, ended peacefully. It had all the earmarks and potential for ending much worse.

The issue becomes what is considered "lawful" and what is "constitutional". In a condition where judges (like at Klamath) rule abject tyranny to be "lawful" and "constitutional" little room is left but for the people to stand with their local authorities (if they can muster them) against the infingement. When your very livelihood and that of your wives and children hang in the balance ... waiting several years for the issue to be addressed is not an option.

Anyhow. like I said, and as Marine Inspector has pointed out ... the case in Idaho was one where the people stood up with their sheriff and the Federal authorities backed down. If the Feds had tried to "put him down hard" as you infer ... there would have been a civil war. Thank God they understood this and saw that what was being pushed did not warrant or merit that type of reaction.

In the end, all LEO's, both local and federal serve at the request and the allowance of the people. It is something they can not afford to lose sight of. If they turn the large majority of the people against them through such acts as we are speaking of ... then the path is both tragic and horrific to contemplate. But it is one that must not be shirked if we are to avoid potential tyranny. Our founders faced just the same prospects and they provided the example.

No one I know wants that. We all hope and pray such events do not occur ... but vigilance, common sense and history demand that we not lose sight of it.

94 posted on 12/29/2002 6:08:56 AM PST by Jeff Head
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To: 185JHP
And just HOW would you like a County Sheriff, acting in his lawful capacity of protecting the equal rights of those who live in his jurisdiction taken down? Given that only THREE categories of crime are recognized under the Constitution as Federal in nature, just exactly HOW are BATFags, Feebs and Drug Eating A$$holes EVER capable of acting lawfully? And which of the above do you "work" for?
95 posted on 12/29/2002 12:22:07 PM PST by dcwusmc
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To: 185JHP
The more you learn the less readily you will jump up and embrace the FedGov my friend . Frankly I can not think of a better classroom than this site & the real world .

Look at the credibility on this thread for example . You wont find a better class of people in the current circles that you have now probably .

Not to mention the knowledge they have coupled with deep rooted love & passion for the Republic . Do yourself a favour and get to know these folks or at least read some of the threads they visit .

You will be a better man rest assured .

96 posted on 12/29/2002 2:07:48 PM PST by Ben Bolt
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To: 185JHP
I just know that (A) there's some nonsense floating around about "counties are the only Constitutional authority" and (B) Federal authorities are above any others, when they are acting lawfully. Getting a Court order is no doubt what they would probably do. I just know that because of some debacles like Ruby Ridge and Waco, some rubeish clods might be getting some "big britches" ideas. And if they try to obstruct FLEOs acting lawfully, they should be taken down hard.

I agree on both points. There is a balance of power between the States and the Feds, and in the past the Feds have abused it, but the States can and have abused their power also. It's very fine line and it is sometimes hard to stay on the right side.

97 posted on 12/29/2002 2:34:33 PM PST by Marine Inspector
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