What a strawman. Evolution, properly understood, is a scientific theory, intended to explain the origin of species once life began. It has nothing to do with atheism, feminism, moral relativism, or any other ideology. It contradicts no religion except the most strictly literal fundamentalist understanding of Genesis. Many believing Jews and Christians have no problem with simultaneously believing that God created humanity and that evolution was the (or a) tool that He used.
No it is not. The central tenets of the theory have been completely proven wrong by science and subsequent events. The Malthusianism on which the theory is based is completely false. There is no struggle for life. There is an abundance of plants and animals which could serve as nutrition for other species and examples of large natural deaths of populations is virtually unheard of. Natural selection itself cannot create anything, it can only destroy. Eugenics, the way that Darwin thought of it, as destroying the unfortunates of genetic mistakes, has also been found to be false. Racism, another of the pillars of evolution (due to the slow progression of changes in species being necessary for the theory to be true), has also been proven false as has the ridiculous theory that the shape of the head signals lack of intelligence. Of course, another of the arguments for it that the development of an embryo recapitulates the evolution of a species has not only been proven scientifically wrong, but also has been shown to have been a fraud.
Therefore it is hard to see how anyone dares to call evolution science when science itself has blown away its central assumptions.