Bull. He was suspect because he acted the shill. He thought he was so good he appeared within a short period of you mentioning the imposter comment by jennyp. He was wrong. If he is still on this forum under another name you should apologize to medved and strive to have him allowed back on Free Republic.
I do not recall the threads associated with this incident. But I do know that intentionally posting under a false identity and also, intentionally misrepresenting one's true position - are wrongful on this forum.
If you are aware of someone doing such a thing, you would be doing him a favor by advising him of the history of Eschoir - who posted under many aliases and tried to create friction by fabricating inflammatory positions, such as the outrageous remark that Jesus would not have died if he had been packing heat.
Jim, this thread may be the most respectful and free exchange of ideas we've had thus far on the evolution v intelligent design debate. The subject matter of this dispute has to do with conduct on previous threads which have evidently been pulled some time ago.
Just what we've all come to expect from you.
He was suspect because he acted the shill.
He wasn't the first to take up the "Reason like an Evo" challenge. Tribune7 tried it first. Is he a shill?
OK, he dropped out quickly when he realized that "Reason like an Evo" doesn't mean "Spew like a Creo." In so doing, he demonstrated the expected religious horror of actually assuming something non-strawman along evo lines. He shrunk away like a vampire from a cross. Perhaps No-Kin's failure to do the same was "shill" behavior enough. The point of the challenge itself was whether any creo could use evolutionary logic at all, in this case to answer your buddy gore on whether dinosaurs had mammary glands. Apparently, the answer to whether creos can put on an evo cap at all is "No." If so, this tends to further undercut the creo arguments that begin "By every precept of Darwinism ..."
If he is still on this forum under another name you should apologize to medved ...
Medved's behavior goes beyond spoofing new IDs, which is not what his original ID (the one named "medved") was banned for. I don't believe you don't understand this. IOW, medved wasn't banned for being Piltdownpig, Annflounder, titanmike, nanrod ... I'm forgetting a few. Those other names were banned for being medved. Duh-uh!