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To: Condorman
However, Socrates notes that disagreements arise amongst the gods so there can be no universal definition of holiness (what is agreeable) amongst them.

Problem is, there is only one God and one creator (Aristotle's law of contradiction came after Socrates death)so there is no disagreement amongst the gods.

I explained this earlier, it is so easy for you to say that since moral law comes from God, it must be arbitrary. The problem with this is that God is eternal, He is not a man. He created the universe and every single spec and idea in it. The universe conforms to God's personality, in fact, it is held together by natural laws that God invented. God invented love, justice, truth, goodness and holiness. Man can know these things only because man is created in God's image and is given the capacity for them to a certain degree. All goodness, truth, and yes, HOLINESS, flows directly from God Himself. It is part of His character. Don't you like love and goodness and justice? Or is that you don't want to bow a knee to your Creator? He is THE source and THE perfect standard for justice, mercy, goodness, truth, and holiness. The God I speak of spun the billions of glaxies into their orbits. He is a VERY BIG God. Besides Him, there is no other.

He is the infinite reference point that is needed as a standard in order to judge what is good and evil. Without that standard, you cannot judge what is good and evil, you can only have your personal tastes (I like chocoloate, you like vanilla)

Without God, you have no standard. You can say God's laws are arbitrary, but since He made you, He can do that. How can the clay tell the potter what to do? Would you rather have an evil man set the moral standard? Or is that you just do not want to be accountable for your actions in life, hmm? What is wrong with perfect justice, goodness, mercy, truth, and holiness? Can you think of a better standard? From whence would it come? Are there any men who have these attributes?

3,887 posted on 01/08/2003 2:11:52 PM PST by exmarine
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To: exmarine
So you agree there is an "Absolute Morality"? You choose to name it "God."

Others can arrive at the same conclusion without the mysticism.

You can say God's laws are arbitrary, but since He made you, He can do that. . . Would you rather have an evil man set the moral standard?

Then again, now you say that God's laws might be arbitrary. If so, who gets notified if he suddenly changes his mind? If so, how do you know that an evil man is truly evil? Maybe he just disagrees with God.

3,900 posted on 01/08/2003 2:50:58 PM PST by Condorman (Evolution - life's a niche, and then you die.)
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