Exactly. "Original intent, according to the USSC."
But not the original intent of the Framers. If you don't see this, tpaine, then I respectfully request that you and I continue to respectfully disagree. Thanks so much for writing!
It might be useful to look at The Virginia Declaration of Rights, which existed before the Revolution, and which is regarded as having been the source and inspiration for much of what followed. Section 16 discusses religion, and says that it must be voluntary, and "it is the mutual duty of all to practise Christian forbearance, love, and charity toward each other." Quite non-sectarian, and non-dogmatic, but nevertheless inspired by the Christian religion.
No disrespect was intended. -- Government was to stay out of religious matters. -- This was original intent according to the USSC.
Why is this concept so difficult for you, betty?
"Original intent, according to the USSC."
But not the original intent of the Framers. If you don't see this, tpaine, then I respectfully request that you and I continue to respectfully disagree.
The USSC doesn't just pull opinions out of a hat, betty. Rest assured that there was plenty of hard fact as to the framers intent taken into account in the courts arguments.
As I noted, "government was to stay out of religious matters". Do you now admit that you want government involved in religion? - I don't understand your objection to church/state separtion. - Please explain.